Always You: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance Read online

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  I had the last interview today, but I hadn’t been particularly enthusiastic about it since the company wasn’t actually the type of the company I wanted to work for. They focused on creating promotional videos for bigger companies, and they needed a concept artist who would create drawings they would use in videos with various animations, but there was nothing exciting or extraordinary about it.

  As an artist, I wished to be in an environment that could inspire me and make me strive to be even better, but companies like that are hard to find.

  “Chill, Elle. You’re going to pee yourself from happiness.”

  She rolled her eyes, rummaging through my makeup case for the lack of anything better to do. “I’m just happy for you, silly. And I’m also going to get some action tonight, so...” She wiggled her eyebrows and I burst into chuckles.

  “Rick, huh?”

  Her eyes turned dreamy. “Yeah. Rick.”

  “How is it going with him?”

  “He’s amazing, Cat. Actually, I think I might be in love.”

  I raised my eyebrows and looked at her in the mirror, my expression neutral as I played it cool, but inside I felt so happy for my best friend. “You? In love? Impossible! Elle Dowell never gave her heart to men! She’s just having fun with them, with no strings attached.”

  “Yep. That was me. Until I met Rick.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Elle. Rick seems like a good guy.”

  “Yeah, he is. He’s a big sweetheart and he makes me feel so good.” She looked into the distance as if she was recollecting something. “He’s definitely the one.”

  I stopped my hand with a brush mid-air and spun around on my chair to face her. “Oh really? The one?”

  “Yeah. I just can’t explain it to you, but he makes me feel some things I’ve never felt before. I think we have some special connection, Cat, and this makes me so happy.”

  I jumped from my chair and rushed to hug her, making the both of us end on my bed. “Hey! You’re ruining your hair! Careful!” she complained, her voice muffled because I was hugging her so hard that her head was buried in my shoulder. “And you’re suffocating me!”

  “If you die, at least you died in a great way!” I joked, which earned me a slap on the shoulder.

  “Don’t even joke about it, miss! I’m not dying anytime soon! At least not before I’m one hundred years old!”

  “Don’t you think that’s a bit too much?”

  “It’s never too much.”

  I rolled my eyes and resumed applying my makeup, almost finished. I had a couple more minutes before Aidan arrived and took me to some mysterious place he hadn’t wanted to tell me about. He’d said it was a surprise, which only made my anticipation grow. It would be our first ‘real’ date ever, and I wanted it to be special.

  Aidan arrived just when I put on my red high heels, completing my outfit. Once more, Elle had tried to convince me to wear something sexy, but this time I managed to get her off my back and wear what I wanted. I chose a black polka dot dress that reached my mid-calves and a red blazer, which complemented my red hair.

  Aidan’s body went rigid when he saw me, his pupils dilating when he checked me out.

  “Catherine, you’re killing me now.” His cock visibly grew harder, and I was glad Elle had gone into a bathroom so she didn’t have to witness her brother like this.

  I turned around, showing off, and looked at him sweetly. “You like this?”

  “Do I like it? I love it.” He approached me in two strides and kissed me, smashing his lips against mine.

  “Hey, hey, hey!” I managed to say against his lips. “I’m wearing red lipstick! It’ll get all over your lips!”

  “I don’t care about that.” He kissed me again, and this time I didn’t protest, completely losing myself in his embrace.

  * * *

  We left his apartment around eight, just in time to catch a beautiful sunset. I lived for sunsets, especially because they were one of the things that inspired and helped me create more emotional drawings. It was a perfect summer evening—calm and warm—and I felt completely relaxed. Aidan was driving his black Porsche, focused on the road, while I sang along with the radio, enjoying the ride. I’d lowered the window and let the wind ruffle my hair, basking in the feeling of freedom it gave me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked him when I saw that we were going toward the Port.

  “To my yacht.”

  I whipped my head to look at him, wondering why this surprised me when he could literally afford ten yachts. Maybe even a few private islands. Yet, I hadn’t expected him to actually own one and take me there, which I considered to be one of the most romantic scenarios.

  “Are we going to drink wine under the moonlight?” I half-joked.

  He nodded, a smile playing on his lips. “We’re going to drink wine under the moonlight. Almost.”

  “Ha ha.” I punched his shoulder playfully. “I would never take you for such a romantic guy, Aidan Dowell. Weren’t you supposed to be the opposite of a flowers-and-candles type of guy?”

  “Are you complaining, Miss Henderson?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, feigning disinterest. “I don’t know. I have to see what it’s like, and then I’ll see if I have to complain about it or not.”

  “You’re too hard to please.”

  I put my forefinger over my mouth and pretended to think carefully about something. “Oh, I don’t think it was too hard to please me last night. If I remember correctly, I came two times in your mouth and two more times on your cock.”

  This made him erupt into fits of laughter, which lasted all the way to the marina. I was rendered speechless when he led me to his yacht and introduced me to the captain and his crew. As soon as we took off, I went to the railing on the front and looked at the vast sea all around me as the sun threatened to disappear any moment on the horizon, leaving nothing but darkness and stars on the sky.

  “What are you thinking about, baby?” Aidan asked me when he joined me, hugging me from behind.

  This moment was truly magical, and I felt at peace. The shimmering surface of the water along with the soothing splashing sounds made me seem like we had the world for ourselves, and I was so grateful to Aidan.

  “I think how lucky I’m to have you,” I whispered.

  “Why are you whispering?” he whispered back, clearly making fun of me.

  “Because all of this kind of makes you not want to ruin it with speaking,” I whispered again, playing with him now. “It’s amazing, Aidan. Everything is so perfect. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  His lips connected with my neck from behind, his arms around my waist holding me tightly, and I never felt happier than in this moment. I looked at the stars above us, memorizing this moment with Aidan forever.

  “Everything for you, princess.”

  I snorted. “You called me princess that first day. I hated it then.”

  “Yeah. I did that back then to annoy you, but now I really think you’re my princess. I just love you so much.”

  Despite being completely melted inside, I had the urge to joke with him. “Then where is my tiara?”

  He turned me around to look at him and smiled secretly. “Oh, I have something better for you than a tiara.

  My heart was beating rapidly as he led me to a table decorated with flowers and lit candles. There was a man playing a soft melody on the violin, and I felt I was going to burst into tears any second. Could this moment be any more perfect?

  Aidan seated me before he took his seat across the table. The waiter poured us champagne and retreated before we made a toast.

  “To our future,” Aidan said, making me even more emotional. I seriously had to pull it together.

  “To our future.”

  I took a sip of my champagne, enjoying the sound of the violin that ripped through the night air. I looked at Aidan—my perfect man—and thought how gorgeous he was in his black suit, freshly shaved. I would never stop admiring his gorgeous face
and sexy body, overjoyed that he was all mine.

  “Thank you, Aidan. Thank you for everything. I absolutely love it here.”

  “Everything for you, baby. Since you love it this much, I’ll bring you here often.”

  “I would love that.”

  “So, there are two things I wanted to talk about with you.”


  “First, I want to suggest you something.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “I want you to work for my company.”

  I set my glass back down to the table, taken aback. This idea had crossed my mind a few times, but I’d never thought he would actually offer me this. “In your company?”

  “Yes. We need more artists, and needless to say, you’re too amazing as an artist. I need you in my company. I would make sure you had the right environment that would allow you to unleash your creativity. Please, say yes.”

  I didn’t even need to think about this because this was what I’d always wanted. I’d fallen in love with his company from the first moment I saw it, so working there—working with Aidan—would be awesome. I was over the moon at the prospect.

  “You don’t even need to try to convince me. It’s a yes.”

  “Yes!” he shouted, acting as if he’d won a football match.

  His huge smile matched mine, relief briefly written all over his face. l was so happy that he’d offered me to work in his company, and I couldn’t wait to start working there.

  “And the second thing I wanted to talk about is this.”

  Suddenly, he stood up and knelt on one knee right next to me, sending my heart into overdrive. My eyes bulged out of their sockets when he took a small box out of his jacket pocket, and I stopped breathing, realizing what this meant.

  “I love you, Catherine. You’re the right one for me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  He opened the box, revealing the most fabulous diamond ring I’d ever seen. It had two small heart shapes on both sides of a big diamond in the middle, making it unique and breathtaking—just like Aidan.

  “Oh God, Aidan,” I blurted out, my emotions all over the place.

  “I need you in my life. So say yes.”

  He was proposing to me! He was actually proposing to me, and I couldn’t believe it. He made all my dreams come true in just one perfect evening, and I never loved him more than in this moment. Aidan Dowell. The man of my dreams.

  After so many years, we’d finally found our way to each other—finally clearing all the obstacles that separated us—and let our love win. I could only imagine how Elle was going to react when she heard about this. This time, she would definitely pee from happiness.

  Returning Aidan’s smile, I said, “That’s a big, fat yes.”

  * * *

  The End

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  Please check out my newest release Off Limits (Pathways Book 1) available on Amazon: Click Here

  He’s a sex addict and my client. I’m not allowed to be attracted to him, but I can’t help it.

  From the moment I saw Daniel enter the room where I hold group therapy sessions, I was captivated by him like a moth to a flame.

  He’s tall, dark, and hot, but he’s strictly off limits.

  I’m supposed to know better. I’m supposed to resist him.

  I can’t put my heart on the line with a sex addict.

  But my body won’t listen to reason.

  My body betrays me each time I see him, making it harder for me to stay professional.

  Even more when we share a passionate kiss, which erases all my doubts and fears. And my mask falls off. I lose control.

  So I have to make a decision.

  Will I give up on him or will I succumb to our mutual addiction?

  Off Limits is a very steamy, 30,000-word stand-alone novella with an HEA and no cheating.

  * * *

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